Posts Tagged ‘Achievement’


How to Climb and Move Mountains

I came to know this quiet, intelligent, humble man named TARAKSH. A NAME gives you a specific, unique, personal identity, but in his case it was more than merely a means of addressing him, more than a title, tag, or label. it was something that inspired him to be the person he was to become.

I remember the discussion that I had about his name. I was learning how to pronounce TARAKSH and I asked him if his name had a meaning. I think we might have been discussing how in the Christian Bible the names of various people given at birth reflect something of significance or describe the course of their lives. For example, ADAM is named after the “EARTH” from which he was created. (Genesis 2). ABRAHAM means father of many nations which was to be his destiny. JESUS means “THE LORD IS SAVIOUR” because He came to save us from our sins.

A name often describes the CHARACTER or a PARTICULAR HOPE that the parents have for their child. But Taraksh told me that in India sometimes parents can take years before their children are named and this was true for him for many years.

He described to me a family PILGRIMAGE TO A MOUNTAIN. Apparently thousands of people from India have made that same pilgrimage, following a tradition going back thousands of years.

The mountain was Mt TARAKSH and it was at the base of that mountain that he decided that TARAKSH would be a good name for him to take. So TARAKSH named HIMSELF after that mountain. (Note – “Taraksh” is not his real name but in the interest of confidentiality I have used that name because it is an Indian name meaning “mountain”.)

I was so intrigued by the fact that he had GIVEN HIMSELF HIS OWN NAME that I found an article on the internet about that mountain. MT TARAKSH means GREAT ONE. And in keeping with his name, TARAKSH wanted to achieve great things. He became a THEORETICAL SCIENTIST and also a GREAT FATHER to his children.

So perhaps the legacy that Taraksh leaves is the legacy of the mountain. Mountains are often symbols of our lives. Mountains inspire us and demand respect, test our strength and expose our weaknesses. They humble us. They can symbolise stability and inward strength. They encourage us to rise beyond the mundane and to achieve our goals and dreams. They remind us that life’s journey requires perseverance and faith. They call us to reflection and encourage us to look beyond ourselves.

Mountains often have that SACRED ASPECT of contemplation and SPIRITUAL CHALLENGE. A place where we get PERSPECTIVE for life. Taraksh attended many of my talks and we enjoyed discussions on matters concerning what it means to be a follower of Christ. I appreciated his friendship and openness to discuss spiritual things.

Mountains also CHALLENGE us to OVERCOME OBSTACLES and move mountains, but on Tuesday 30th August at about 1.45am Taraksh faced an INSURMOUNTABLE OBSTACLE that one day all of us will face. In the presence of those who loved him, he died.

Psalms 121:1-2 (NLT) says “I look up to the mountains— does my help come from there? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth!” Jesus is our Lord, our Mountain, our Rock, our Refuge, our Foundation, our Strength and Stability, the One from whom we gain perspective for our lives, the One who overcomes the obstacles of sin and death.   

I’m not sure whether Taraksh responded with faith in Christ. What about you? In the end what will you rely on? Will you rely on the mountain of your achievements or the solid Rock of faith in Christ.

It’s wonderful to have great accomplishments to look back on but in the end it will be what Christ has accomplished on the Cross for us that counts. He died for our sins and defeated death, so that we could be forgiven and stand before God without any obstacles getting in the way of us going to heaven.

Psalms 24:3-6 (NLT) says “Who may climb the mountain of the Lord? (or in other words Who can have a relationship with God?) Who may stand in His holy place? Only those whose hands and hearts are pure, (or in other words Only those who have been forgivenwho do not worship idols (that is Those who don’t worship, trust and rely anything other than God. We can make a god out of achievement or success or money) and never tell lies (that is Those who are honest with God). They will receive the Lord’s blessing and have a right relationship with God their Saviour (The name Jesus meansThe Lord is Saviour, because He died to save us from our sins). Such people may seek You and worship in Your presence, O God of Jacob. …” 

Pastor Ross